Ben Part II - Baking, Hiking+ & Therapeutic Yoga as Tools for Communication - Young Adult with Special Needs
Nyack City Hike, Yoga at Threefold - Ora's Studio, and Bear Mountain Hike
Mike said: “My one to one communication gets better with Ben on every hike. Yesterday was a busy day, and Ben’s remarks to his mother Evelyn, and written by Evelyn, are below.”
Evelyn said: “This is the first time Ben has ever asked questions in one of his reports. Ben has learned to “push through” being tired (as he says), and he’s proud of himself for doing so.”
Ben said about March 1, 2023 trip:
I talked to Dad in the morning.
I asked, “How is Dad’s cough?”
He is still sick.
He still has laryngitis.
Mike Sweeney came to visit.
He took Ben out.
He took you to the bakery.
It’s in Nyack.
I saw the street crossing buttons in Nyack like in New York.
They say, “The walk light is on.”
And they say “Wait!”
I saw a river in Nyack.
It was big.
It was beautiful.
I saw Siri in that bakery.
What day you may do work there?
They were selling bread and cookies.
They were baking.
They were mixing.
I watched.
Mike and I ate in the bakery.
I shared a cheese sandwich with lettuce with Mike.
Mike gave Ben water.
We went to see Uri for yoga at Endeavor 21.
We did yoga poses.
They were easy.
It felt good.
She helped you to lie on your back.
I saw Uri’s dog again.
It is big.
Is it a Golden Retriever?
What is the handle on URI’s pull-down stairs made of?
It is metal.
She has the same drinking bottle that Ben has, like Metu gave you.
She has the same phone cover like John gave you.
I went on a Bear Mountain hike.
I tried to hike around a lake.
We did not get that far.
It was so icy.
I hiked back down to Mike Sweeney’s car.
We went to the Bear Mountain shop.
Mike Sweeney bought a stick for walking.
It says “Bear Mountain” on it.
We went on the Bear Mountain bridge to come back home.
I saw Beanie online at night.
It was a busy day with Mike.
I liked it.